
"Nici un aparat - oricat de sofisticat ar fi - nu va putea sa inlocuiasca rezistenta inteligenta opusa de mana kinetoterapeutului."
Dr. N. Robanescu

Afectiunile aparatului locomotor sunt caracterizate de o foarte mare diversitate etiologica si morfo-patogenica, ceea ce explica de ce in tratament se intersecteaza mai multe specialitati medico-chirurgicale.

Chiar daca tratamentul etio-patogenic poate fi atribuit in mare parte ortopediei, reumatologiei sau neurologiei, prevenirea, corectarea si recuperarea unor deficiente functionale ce se pot dezvolta in toate stadiile de evolutie a bolii revin medicinii fizice si, in mare masura, kinetoterapiei.

In cadrul centrului nostru, beneficiaza de kinetoterapie afectiunile:
•   Post-traumatice (fracturi, entorse, luxatii)
•   Ortopedice
•   Patologice (luxatii congenitale de sold, picior plat, valg, var, scobit, picior stramb congenital)
•   Coloanei vertebrale (cifoze, cifoscolioze, scolioze)
•   Reumatologice (PSH, spondiloza anchilopoetica, coxartroza, gonartroza)
•   Infirmitate motorize cerebrala (hemipareze, parapareze)

Specialistii nostri sunt licentiati in kinetoterapie, membri ai "Asociatiei Profesorilor CFM si Kinetoterapeutilor", APK Muntenia, membri FRAK (Federatia Romana a Asociatiilor de Kinetoterapie), autori a mai multor lucrari prezentate la Congrese, Sesiuni de comunicari stiintifice si Simpozioane.

Tratamentele sunt individualizate in functie de prescriptia medicala, in concordanta cu natura si faza bolii, reactivitatea organismului si cu prezenta eventualelor complicatii.

Physical Therapy

"Not any apparatus - as much as a sophisticated could be - it shall not replace the intelligence resistant opposite by the physical therapist hand."
Dr. Robanescu

The affections of locomotor's apparatus are characterized of a very big etiological and morpho-pathogenic diversity, what explains why many medical - specialties are intersected under treatment.

Even if the ethio-pathogenic treatment can be ascribable in part of the orthopedics, rheumatology or neurology, the prevention, the correction and the functional deficiencies rehabilitation which are develop into all stages of disease evolution are due to physical medicine and mostly to physical therapy.

Our physiotherapy programs are focused on the following types of affections:
•   Post – trauma (fractures, sprains)
•   Orthopaedic
•   Pathological (hip dysplasia, flat foot, foot deformities, congenital clubfoot)
•   Of spine (kyphosis, kypho - scoliosis, scoliosis)
•   Rheumatological ( PSH, spondylolysis , osteoarthritis)
•   Cerebral palsy

Our specialist are graduated in physical therapy, members of " Teacher Association CFM and Physical Therapist", A.P.K. Muntenia, F.R.A.K. (Romanian Federations of Physiotherapy Association), authors of many works for congresses, scientific communications and symposiums.

The treatments are individuated depending on the medical prescription, in concordance with nature and phase disease, the reactivity of the body and with presence of any complications.

Sediul central

  • Strada Traian nr 57, Sector 3, Bucuresti
  • Tel: 021/3260355 - Fax: 021/3234034
  • Mobil: 0745172929
  • E-mail:

Sediul din Constanta

  • Strada Chiliei nr 45, Constanta
  • Tel/fax: 0241/619718
  • Mobil: 0748.889.992
  • E-mail:

Sediul din Iasi

  • Str. Sarariei nr. 26, Iasi
  • Tel: 0232.311010
  • Mobil: 0742.10.10.59
  • E-mail:

Sediul din Ploiesti

  • Str. Bibescu Voda nr. 7, Jud. Prahova
  • Tel./Fax: 0244.520.474
  • Mobil: 0742.100.863
  • E-mail: